Show Notes Blog

Do Different Things for New Results and Perspectives for a Better Life and Mindset

We're going to talk about a new perspective and the power you have that comes with a new perspective. Sometimes we overlook that power to gain a new perspective and we don't even realize it. It's kind of like that old story about a frog will boil...

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Scripture Meditation - Freedom in Christ- Galatians 5

Today is another Monday meditation where we take time to focus on scripture, so that we can have our thoughts aligned with the things of God and meditate on the things that are actually going to be life producing, peace producing and bring glory...

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10 Ways to Respond When People Try to Put Their Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions on You

If you're here today and you are here because you are eager to hear the ten ways to respond or to act when someone is trying to put their thoughts, feelings and emotions on you, then that means you...

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You Are Not Responsible for The Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions of Others

I really don't know if you have this problem, but we sometimes get mail delivered to our house that doesn't belong to us. In fact, it may not even be mail that belongs on our street. It may not be mail that belongs anywhere near us and somehow it...

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Scripture Meditation- God is Trustworthy over Fear - Psalm 56

Welcome to our Monday meditation and today we're talking about Psalm 56. I'm going to read and then I want to just take you through this guided meditation. So, snuggle in cozy into some space where it's just about you and God for a few moments....

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Pep Talk When You Want To Gain Confidence and Overcome Insecurity

Could you use a pep talk today? If you want to feel better about being in your own skin and who you are, then look no farther because it's time to say goodbye to insecurity and to know who you are in Christ.

Today's message is coming from the...

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How to Handle Things Like War from a Healthy Mental Perspective

Today, I have a special request from a podcast listener, Crystal from Mississippi, so thank you, Crystal, for providing this. With the war that's going on in Israel, she was asking for my insight on how we can conceptualize being mentally and...

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Scripture Meditation - God is a Majestic Creator - Psalm 8

I want to just invite you to clear your mind of all of the things that you have on your to do list, all of the chatter, all of the things that are trying to distract you and make you feel scattered and like you just can't seem to catch your...

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6 Tips To Try To Stop The Time Sucks and Move Toward Your Goals

Before we get started today, I want to remind you about the free resources that you can download over at Mental Health for Christian Women. I want you to go there and grab whatever might be helpful for you. We have a self-care scorecard,...

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My Thoughts On Life Right Now - Living with Scripture Truth, Better Self-Care, and Time Management

I am giving you information right before I go in for minor eye surgery. The thoughts that God's putting together in my heart as well as in my understanding of how I'm going to be approaching Mental Health for Christian Women, my counseling...

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Scripture Meditation - Knowing He Is God - Psalm 46:10

It's a Monday and that means it's time for our Scripture meditation, where we hit the pause button on the distractions, worries, and the to-do list of life and tune into God's word, applying it to our life right here, right now, in the present...

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The Trauma Recovery Journey - How to Think When You Feel Stuck

Today we're talking about the trauma recovery journey. The trauma recovery journey and how you can actually think more positively even when your thinker is not very clear. So, remember that trauma is a wound. Trauma is a painful past learning...

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