Show Notes Blog

So Now What, What - The First Step Isn't A New Year's Resolution, Yet...

So, we've made it through the Christmas holiday, and now, as most people do, you may be thinking about the New Year and what you want to do as a resolution, maybe a word of the year thing, how you want it to look, what you're hoping for. You might...

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Merry Christmas! Scripture Meditation: Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas! For our Monday Scripture meditation today, we are going to focus on Luke 2:11.

And Luke 2:11 may sound very familiar to you.

It says, "Today in the town of David, a savior has been born to you."

He is the Messiah, the Lord, and I...

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Need a Laugh? Corny Christmas Jokes for A Merry Heart Does Us Good Mentally and Spiritually

MichelleYou know, the Bible tells us that laughter is good medicine and that means it's good for our hearts and our minds. It's just fun to laugh and enjoy, so this is the 2nd Annual Corny Christmas Jokes episode. If you have...

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The Mindset Game to Feel Energized When Things Are "Both, And"

You know the concept of "both, and?" It's something I talk with clients a lot about, but it's also something I live. Things can be hard and good at the same time. Things can be bitter and sweet at the same time. Things can be, well,...

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Scripture Meditation- Walking on Sunshine from Proverbs 4

It's Monday and that means it's time for our scripture meditation of the week. This comes from Proverbs 4: 13-26: Hold on to instruction, do not let it go. Guard it well, for it is your life. Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk...

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The Myth of the Perfect Christmas and Parenting

Are you ready to find the next steps in your healing journey? I'd love to help you with that. You can go to Mental Health for Christian Women and book a free 15-minute Discovery consult call with me. I'd love to hear what's going on in...

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The Dickens of Mental Health at Christmas

Are you ready to find the next steps in your healing journey? I'd love to help you with that. You can go to Mental Health for Christian Women and book a free 15-minute Discovery consult call with me. I'd love to hear what's going on in your life...

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Scripture Meditation - Do You Really Believe God Has The Best for YOU? - Proverbs 3

Are you ready to find the next steps in your healing journey? I'd love to help you with that! You can go to Mental Health for Christian Women and book a free 15-minute Discovery consult call with me. I'd love to hear what's going on in your life...

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Tips for Surviving Grief During the Christmas Holidays with Guest Michelle Bader Ebersole from the Widowed 2 Soon Podcast

Michelle Croyle: I am here with another Michelle today. So, I don't do a lot of guest interview episodes, but when I think that there's something really important or a guest that I really want you to hear something from that I think can be...

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Tips for Holiday Stress Management

You know, at the holidays, the things that normally stress us pretty much grow to these gigantic proportions. It's kind of like that monster in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, you know, the Bumble. It's like he's so ferocious. That's kind of what...

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Scripture Meditation- Monday Bible Focus - Proverbs 2

We are working our way through Proverbs for our Monday meditation on Scripture, so today we're on Proverbs 2: My son, if you accept My words and store up My commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to...

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Tips to Keeping Your Sanity and Not Fall into People Pleasing for the Holidays - Christmas Boundary setting

I am ready for December. How about you? On this last day of November, I am so ready to kick off into full blown Christmas season, but sometimes what happens is that with that comes a lot of obligations, expectations, and things that are difficult...

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