New Membership Announcement and Podcast News

chrisitan counseling for women christian coaching christian community christian counseling for christian women christian mental health christian therapy for anxiety free membership mental health mental health for christian women Jan 02, 2024
Mental Health for Christian Women
New Membership Announcement and Podcast News

If you listened to Monday's episode, you know that I have an announcement to make about the new direction that Mental Health for Christian Women is going. There is still going to be a podcast, but it is now going to be once a week. I'll tell you why. I am just wanting so much to minister to you. I have heard from so many of you that there are these things that you just can't seem to get past in your life that you've been wanting to or trying to or studying up on for a really long time and just can't seem to get traction. I really want to help. I really believe that the Lord has gifted me with the ability to really hear what's underneath the surface, to help challenge mindsets, to help encourage, and to just give wisdom from Him and His word and the mental health field. So, I have heard you. I have heard that you need a cost-effective option. I've heard that you want community, and it takes time to put all of that together, so I am moving to one time a week.

Free Resources We Currently Offer

As far as the podcast, it will come out every Tuesday. The free stuff will still be on the website for you. We will have the podcast and blog for free. We have the past podcasts on the website. We have the Ask Michelle feature where you can leave a question I can answer on a future episode. We have the ability to get a free 15-minute Call, for next steps to healing with me that you can book and you can do all of that from First Level Opt-In - Free Resources ( You can also go on there and download some of the free resources, Choose Your Free Resources ( We have a life audit and a thought tracker, a sheet that has some important tips for how to deal with anxiety. There's just a lot that you can glean for free from

NEW! Membership Community

We're going to start offering a paid offering for a community, a membership community, and I hope you'll consider joining me. Basically, what it will be is once a week I will meet with those who are in the community to actually customize the goals that people are working on. They will customize them. I will customize the plan. I already have the five-step plan which I have used it in my own life to overcome a lot of obstacles over the years. As I boiled it down into the various steps, it came out to be a five-step plan that has some multiple components in each step. Basically, I really want to help empower people with the skills and tools I've learned from the mental health field and my personal recovery from anxiety and PTSD and share a lot of communication and relationship skills. Whatever that thing is, whether you think, I wish I could do it and I just can't seem to gain momentum, or I need accountability, or I need a support group, or I just need friends around me, I hope you'll consider joining the membership because that's where you can get that level of support. It'll be once a week for an hour that you will actually get group coaching and community. As this builds, of course it's going to take some time to get off the ground, but I do believe that the Lord has been in this. It's going to be offered for a relatively low fee for everything that is involved. Because I heard you that a high-ticket item is not really something that is in the budget for a lot of you, and that is not my goal.

My goal is to make sure that I can help as many people as possible with the skills and tools God's given me to bring mental health to Christian women. I believe that when Christian women have mental, emotional, and relational health, they can go out and serve the Lord, serve others, serve their families, and make disciples and be good examples and really make an impact because they are now strong in who God made them to be. Then they can model that for their kids, and they don't have to be stressed out, insecure and worry about all kinds of things that anxiety or unhelpful mindsets might get in there. I'm going to teach you how to overcome all of those things. If you want help with any of them, you just choose whatever your "it" is, whatever the things are you would like help to actually make traction on, and we'll get together once a week and work on those things for you. For each weekly get together, I will do a teaching for 10-15 minutes and then we will have a question-and-answer time for you to specifically work on your own goals. I will help you customize the way that you are putting together your goals and any tips and skills that I think might be beneficial to you. I'm going to teach you those in the membership!

But here's the even better news! You're going to be able to get this coaching membership offer for free, for absolutely free for nearly 2 months. I'm going to do the first meetup on Monday, January 15, and each Monday thereafter until Wednesday, February 21. On that Wednesday, we're going to have an evening meet up and that's where we'll kind of culminate everything that we've worked on in the free access to this membership. Then after that, if you want to transform your membership into the community, you can do that. There will be a discount for those who participate in the free trial run over the next several weeks.

Starting in March, we're going to offer that for one low fee, and there are going to be additional things in March. There are going to be interviews with experts at different points. There will be bonus tips and some contests and things like that. 

For now, for free access which will open up soon, you will want to watch the website, It'll also be announced in our Newsletter where you can go to the link to sign up. There's no obligation. You don't have to put in a credit card. I just want you to join, so that I can help you as I can show up and serve you. You can then make progress, and as you make progress, you make impact.

I know that so many of us just need to have like-minded Christian women around us for support these next several weeks, and you can get that for absolutely no cost to you. You just show up. It's going to be Mondays at noon starting Monday, January 15th, but don't worry if that time isn't available for you. For anybody who signs up, you will get the replays within the community. So, if you have questions, if you want to work at your own pace, if you want to join when you can, or if you want to watch the replays and do the work on your own, if you can't make it to the meetups, that is absolutely okay too. I want you to remember to go to for all of those other free resources I mentioned to sign up for a discovery call, to download those free tools to ask me a question.

Most importantly, over the next week, if you're signed up for our newsletter, you will be alerted when you can sign up for the free membership community. It will be a paid offer beginning the end of February, beginning of March, somewhere in that time frame. But for the next several weeks, as I build some of the pillar content, you're going to be able to get in for free and enjoy it and get a benefit from it. Please share that information with anyone you know who you think could benefit. And I look forward to meeting with you on Mondays at noon.

Again, if you need to do the replay, still sign up, but that's where I'm going to be spending a lot of my time. We are going to do the podcast once a week because I'm going to shift where I put my time and do one podcast for the general listening audience and then put some more specific things into the membership community. If you want to reach out to me, I invite you to do that. You can ask your questions or give me your insight. My name is [email protected] and I'd love to hear from you and your thoughts. Thank you so much for sticking with Mental Health for Christian Women.

I know God has freedom for so many Christian women struggling with things like anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt, relationship issues, and just so many things regarding self-worth and being enough. Maybe you need help with how to speak up for yourself, how to set boundaries, how to stop being a people pleaser, or how to stop yelling at your kids. Whatever your stressors are that you wish you could just get past already...maybe it's overthinking or intrusive thoughts or negative thoughts, panic attacks; maybe you want to start a new career. Nothing is off the table! I will work with you towards your goals to help you craft the easiest way to go from point A to point B.

So, I hope you'll sign up, go over to It will definitely be up. It's not up yet, but it will definitely be up by Friday of this week. So, if you want to sign up, definitely by Friday of this week it will be open up for sign-ups. If you're on the newsletter list, you'll be told when it is open for sure. I wish you the best.

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