Scripture Meditation: Loving Kindness Psalm 143:8

bible meditation christian coach christian counseling christian meditation christian mental health christian women mental health scripture meditation Aug 14, 2023
Mental Health for Christian Women
Scripture Meditation: Loving Kindness Psalm 143:8

Today's. Scripture meditation is based on Psalm 143:8 which says, "Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk. For I lift up my soul on to Thee."

Focus on his loving kindness. Ask Him to let you hear it, to let you feel it. What does God's loving kindness greeting you in the morning feel like?

I get visions of maybe open summer windows with a breeze blowing through, sun coming up, maybe some sparkling dust as the sun hits the window and the curtain. A nice cup of coffee. Resting in God's loving kindness.

A time to wake up and be in His loving kindness, His presence right where you are in the morning. He's there with you. It's yours for the taking, yours for the having. Embrace that in your mind's eye and in your body and in the felt sense of safety and the feeling of God's loving kindness being yours and asking Him to make that even more real in your body and mind. It's saying that you then trust in God, for in God you trust. And it's saying to God, cause me to know the way I should walk.

So God this morning direct my paths, help me with the steps I need to take. I am going to lift up my soul to You. In other words, what I am doing, I'm doing because You're leading. I see and feel Your loving kindness in the morning and I trust You. I know who You are. I know You're loving and kind and trustworthy. And I know You're a good guide who will lead me and tell me where I should walk, in what way I should walk, what to do today, and in what manner to do it. That represents You and Your purpose as best.

Bring that into the felt sense in your body, the felt sense of knowing. I have God's loving kindness with me. It is like a superpower right here with me today. And I can trust Him. And He will lead me and I will do His will. And that is just. I will do His will. Period. End of sentence.

God, please help me to hear You to rest in Your loving kindness and to take the steps You lead me to take with intention because I want to serve and please You and put a period at the end of that sentence and let God direct You today. Go take on the day.

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